Fitted for:
♥ Tonic Fine
♥ Tonic Fine + Bust Minimizer
♥ Vtech
♥ Maitreya
♥ Tweenster Girl
♥ Tweenster Boy
♥ 18 texture hud
♥ Original mesh
♥ Materials enabled
Love it!
Love this tank and the color options that come with it, its a staple in my closet for the bust minimizer :)
I am so excited about all of your recent creations for the Tonic Bust Minimizer. I've been looking for clothes like this for what seems forever! I check your marketplace store constantly checking to see if you have put anything new out for Tonic Bust Min. and everytime I see one I get so excited. I wish that all of your creations had a Ton. Bust Min. version, I swear I'd buy every single item! I already have everything Tonic that you've made so far. I really hope that you can make a Tonic version of the Kemono Sailor suit. Thank you so much for your amazing creations!!!
Great !!
I am so happy to find a tank top for Tonic Fine Body with bust mimizer.
Great job! thanks to the creator !!
I hope that many clothes will be made for this beautiful body