G Général

*D&D* MF2/ Dahak MK2 "Osiris" (boxed)

*D&D* MF2/ Dahak MK2 "Osiris" (boxed)

MF2/ dragon warrior "Dahak" MK2 "Osiris" full avatar (boxed)

For full resolution images, view gallery:

. Requires Viewer that supports alpha mask (SL2.0+, Pheonix, Firestorm, etc.)
. Requires Viewer that supports multiple attachment in same attach point (SL2.0+, Pheonix, Firestorm, etc.)

. Avatar is +MOD+COPY-TRANS
Scripts inside are -MOD+COPY-TRANS

Model includs: (parts / attach point)
. Head (skull)
. Lower jaw (mouth)
. chest (chest)
. torso (stomach)
. pelvis (pelvis)
. tail (pelvis)
. belt (pelvis)
. wings (Spline)
. Upper Arms (L / R upper arm)
. Fore Arms (L / R Fore arm)
. Hands (L/R hand)
. Upper Legs (L/R Upper Leg)
. Lower Legs (L/R Lower Leg)
. Foots (L / R Foot)
. Alpha Mask, body Shape, clothes and Hair

Weapons: (dragon breath) bundled in lower jaw

HUD system
. UniHUD (v3.68)
. Color Changer HUD

. User guides
. Guesture pack (functional keys for color change and combat)

. The creator of this product is not responsible for any technical error cause by lag or other unauthorized use. Althought the gun / booster scripts are tested for several times, but there can still be some small error we haven’t noticed. For any major bug, please contact the creator for debugging.

. The creator of this product is responsible for errors caused by insufficient permission setting. If you found any item in this product have any problems of rezzing due to insufficient permission setting, please contact the creator for item updates.

Alternative Parts:
Please choose either one set of the following parts:

. Pelvis (3 in 1) (pelvis, tail and belt together in one attachment)

. Pelvis + tail + Belt

WP-MF2- "Dragon Breath" User Guide

. Toggle on/off via HUD
. This is neither a melee weapon or a gun weapon.
Use "SP" (special weapon) button in the HUD to activate it. (special weapon has 60 seconds of time limit, and another 10 seconds of recharge)

When D.B. Mode is ON:
(Not in Mouse look)
. Thunder breath: holding L-mouse key to use. breathing thunder, about 3~4 meters fwd.
damage (GVG) : 15~45 per second
5% chance of causing "paralysis" status (GVG system)

(In Mouse look)
. Plasma ball: press L-mouse key to use. splits a medium plasma ball.
damage (GVG) : 20

Safe mode / Unsafe Mode
. Weapon's default status is in unsafe mode. damagers will rezzed in this mode.
. To enter safe mode/ unsafe mode, input: "safe" / "unsafe" in chat
. Safe mode: no object will be rez in-world. can be use in no build sim. Compatible for safe-mode combat for GVG system 2.22b or higher.

Voir l'article dans Second Life
Note moyenne : full star full star full star full star empty star
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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 3/8/2016 de 19Benjamin96

one of the best dragon avis i ever had

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neat and beautiful!
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 11/11/2012 de DiabloXIII

I've got Nothing to complain! this av is simply cool, neat and beautiful!
Needs more robots on SL! X3

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nice one is nice
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 7/9/2012 de rt25 Grayman

neat, cute and fun to use mecha dragon av~ X3
not to mention that it's nicely textured and detailed
totaly worth a 5S X3

expecting more dragon avatars from D&D. hope to see a mesh dragon in the future. :D

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I expected this ti be huge
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Publié le 1/9/2012 de IDontLoose

its a tiny avi.. you should atleast add side in discription

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Loved it!
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 9/4/2012 de Reiko Alchemi

Fun to use, nicely detailed, totally color changeable, I intend to get the rest of them to have the whole set.

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Its a good Avatar
full star full star full star full star empty star Publié le 19/12/2011 de EtoMiyzel Islar

Its a nicely detailed Avatar the hud is easy to use comes with an AO has smooth animations. The only thing i have to say that i wasn't happy was that it didn't have a talk jaw so you can see the jaw moving when typing. So i give it a rating of four instead of 5 If it had a talk jaw i would rate it a nice 5 the price is nice since you can change the colors and it is modifiable and copyable which is a huge plus to any avatar If i was able to i would rate it 4.5

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