Another great mane (my personal fav so far) made by CoopJess! For those a little wild at heart here's a messy yet flirty mane and tail set for the Breeder's Choice Mesh QH horse avatar.
I added a Texture Menu script with various choices for hair. See picture or name to know which set you are looking at.
This menu allows you to texture the various locks of hair used... separately! So you can mix/match or highlight with different colors. :)
Or hit the 'Texture All' Button to do all in the same color.
There are 4 packs in all (Blondes/Browns/Reds/Grayscales) and each one has a white & black choice to also use as highlights or contrast.
Grab all 4 packs to make the most of your choices. And be sure you read the notecard. It's a MUST read. There just might be a special feature you may want to play with if you have the know how. ;)
Delete Script option on menu.
((Just be sure you use a 'copy' of your mane/tail/forelock before deleting the scripts so you can use the other colors later.))
I listed this product as modify because the prim's are modify so you would know you can fit to other avatars. But the scripts used for the texture menu are not mod. Your product will say no mod in inventory but when rezzed or worn you 'will' be able to adjust the fit.
Have fun with all the choices!!