Full avatar have
*kit shoes-pants-shirts
*great quality
- Skin
- Shape
- Head
- Hair
- Kit - SHirt-pants-shoes
Much like reality 5 stars
LIKE skin,
LIKE head
Great product
Nice Head
More realistic character I 've seen in second life , fine. Recommend it to everyone
For a first attempt its not bad
The mesh head and hair is good quality, but the mouth doesn't move, so it appears kinda wooden. It does look a bit like an older Cristiano Ronaldo.
The skin is ok, not a lot of detail. Plus its only the torso and legs, if you remove the head alpha, the head skin is a standard SL skin, so you can't wear it by itself. The shape its good, just a really flat ass lol, I would modify that really quick! Cristiano has a great ass!
If you never intended to get naked and just wear clothes all the time, then this is a nice avatar for that.
Very good product with great quality
Very good product with great quality