✿✿✿ Now also includes 5 standard sizes (XXS, XS, S, M, L)! ✿✿✿
Both rigged mesh legs have been linked together for the purpose of this demo. The end product also includes optional flexi prim fur attachments and fur glitch socks layers in each colour. Everything (except the texturing HUD!) in the end product is copy/mod, so you can further tint any part, including the glitch fur socks, to achieve a great variety of shades! ;)
Contents of this demo:
✿ rigged mesh: Faun legs linked together in 6 sizes: CO size + 5 standard sizes (XXS, XS, S, M, L)
✿ 3x Texture changing HUDs (Dark Tones, Medium Tones, Light Tones)
✿ 2x alpha layers.
There is simply no "anatomically correct" way of representing a human with goat legs. Every artist has their own interpretation of how the goat leg should "blend" into human one. Look at these pictures and compare:
1) http://www.wetanz.com/assets/Uploads/lwwTumnus01lrg2.jpg
2) http://th04.deviantart.net/fs9/PRE/i/2006/012/b/e/mr__Tumnus_by_Linnpuzzle.jpg
3) http://static.zerochan.net/Tumnus.full.976271.jpg
4) http://www.elfwood.com/fanq/s/h/shawnasmith2/tumnus2.jpg
5) And the real goat legs >> http://edenhills.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/dsc_0007ew.jpg
The curve and angle of the backwards bent knee (like the goats knees) is just a matter of taste. Personally I like the curve like in the 3d picture the most, so that's the look i went for. The legs i made definitely don't have a 90 degree angle, like here >> http://www.fallingpixel.com/products/1247/mains/minotaur-2.jpg
or here >> http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/069/0/2/mr_tumnus_by_pjillustrator-d4saypw.jpg
Please visit Caverna Obscura shoppe for more high quality original fantasy female apparel and footwear at: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Alligator%20Bayou/18/56/25
- rigged mesh: Faun legs linked together
- 3x Texture changing HUDs (Dark Tones, Medium Tones, Light Tones)
- 2x alpha layers
- 6 sizes: CO size + 5 standard sizes (XXS, XS, S, M, L)
Too many hooves
The hooves look huge, I don't know if that is because of my avatar children ... but really, in my opinion, they look huge, where the "knee" fold is taking a vast distance, so it doesn't look Very logical, otherwise, the textures and details look nice, but I insist ... the hooves are huge!
Anatomy is off, made for thinner legs.
I'm typically really against paying 1L$ for demos but went against my better judgement and bought these to give them a try. If you're a stickler for anatomy like I am then don't bother, the "ankle" joint is way too abrupt and doesn't look very realistic or feasible despite the otherwise great looking, realistic textures.
They also didn't fit my avatar which is admittedly more on the muscular side, so only buy these if you have a pretty generic shaped avatar.
these are seriously THE BEST mesh faun/satyr legs ive found on the market place BUT they didnt fit my shape and im male, of course they'd fit if i make my legs thinner but it be nice if you made male versions as well :)
I was at first concerned about the review that says that the legs are so skinny...on who? I have a thick legs and these are wonderful. Best faun legs I have ever tried and will gladly be buying them. They have the proper anatomy and look of faun legs and move nicely. I would recommend them but simply put, try the demo and see for yourselves.
Great demo, easy to use
I was hoping I could modify this to fit my male avie, but it doesn't quite fit. If I wore mesh shorts it would cover the seams. There really aren't any faun hooves for male avatars of this quality. *HINT HINT* Only if someone made some? Taller maybe? *NUDGE NUDGE*
For my female avies these fit perfectly and require little or no shape adjusting. I wish there was an optional pants layer for the fur so it came up the thigh a bit more.