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@DF@ Timelord Walking Stick - Dark Ram's Horn バージョン 1.0

@DF@ Timelord Walking Stick - Dark Ram's Horn

In honor of the newest Doctor, the walking stick of the First Doctor. This is a common country-gentleman style, so it's not limited to SF roleplay. One stick is dark ram's horn, the other is lighter and more like ivory or bone (sold separately).

It may show "no modify" in inventory, just rez on the ground.

There is a "light" and "full" AO available for purchase from Posture is Everything by Kamilah Hauptmann. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND the full version of the "Gentleman Jim AO" with cane animations, as this walking stick is optimized to work with it. There is a free light version for new avatars (under 30 days of age) at Caledon Oxbridge University's "College of Avatar Customization." This cane is fully optimized to take advantage of Her Lyonesse's amusing typing and hat-tipping animations.

Ladies may note that it is slim enough to make it work as a female walking stick as well.

Please feel free to look me up and let me know how you are getting around your Second Life. Walk with pride!

And also please visit one of our shops:

(Froobert's Further West Outlet, Tweddle)

(Steelhead St Helens Dry Goods)

The Steelhead Walking Club Warming Hut
(St Helens Picnic Grove and Nature Preserve)

Froobert's Further Rest Pub in Caledon SouthEnd

Second Life の商品を表示
  • Simple, elegant walking stick - 5 prims
  • Suitable for either males or females (add female walks)
  • Mod/copy - compatible with Posture is Everything's Gentleman Jim AO
  • Includes ZHAO-II MB2 "Basic Gent's AO" with stands, sits, walks.
  • Adds debonair style to your time-traveling RP!