Produces : crops, seeds
Requires : DFS HUD, water, fertilizer, seeds & care
You can only plant seeds that go in this type of field
Hovertext :
Status : whether it's growing or needs something to be done
Seed - what it's growing
Growing Time - How long until you can harvest
Water - water %
Tending - tending %
Fertilized / Not Fertilized
Field Hover-text is colour coded :
Blue - needs water
Orange - needs fertilizer
Yellow - needs a seed
Purple - needs tending
White - growing
Green - ready to harvest
Planting :
Rez your DFS field, a water barrel, fertilizer and seed. Click the field to open it's menu. Then click the following one by one -
Water - field will take water *
Fertilizer - field will take 1 fertilizer
Plant - takes 1 seed bag *
Tending - click & hover your mouse pointer over
the field & wait for the chair icon to sit on field
Harvesting :
click field & select 'Harvest'
click and hover your mouse pointer over the field and wait for the chair icon to sit on field. Click to sit.
The server will send you 1 crop - ex. 'Tomato Basket' and 1 seed. There's a chance to get doubles! You will auto un-sit and the field will need to be planted again.
**Important Notes :
We wait a heartbeat so Second Life registers the button click, if you do it too fast, the action won't complete and you will need to wait for the menu to time-out.
A water barrel has 100 water, so a new field will use a whole one because it can fill to 100%. A field will grow as long as it has over 25% water but it's easiest to top them up to 100% once a day.
Check the DFS HUD to make sure the happy face is still happy and green. If it is red and sad, do not plant or tend animals. It means the server is down and you won't get your items until it's up again.
Digital Farm System (DFS) is a fun, interactive, and progressive farm system that allows you to grow crops, raise animals, fish, and prepare food from tons of delicious recipes, and trade-able products.
With DFS you can stock a store, own a diner, or enjoy a simple "getting back to nature" relaxing farm life.
Read more about the system on our website
**NB Marketplace does not give us alerts when a review is posted, so if you have any issues with our products please contact us directly to receive the appropriate assistance in a timely manner.
In-world Support group : secondlife:///app/group/c365d031-cb76-5c17-f8b8-a1379fe4c9b3/about
Discord :
or contact a CSR directly from boards at our Main Store - landmark below