☣ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☣ DG-X 699-HR Shoutcast Board -Xenomorph Design- ☣ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☣ ☠ ☣
WOULD YOU LIKE A SKULL DESIGN? Check Related Items Below for the
DG-X 698-HR Shoutcast Board -Skull Design-
Welcome to the Daffy's Gadgetmania Factory and Team
Tired for Common Boards and poor design?
you want Something Really Awesome Board,fit With your Club?
Confuse and Upset With so Many Settings from other boards?
DG-X Shoutcast Board is a Simple System to use it for your Club and your needs!
NO MORE Complicated Settings in Several Notecards!
the DG-X Shoutcast board use ONLY ONE notecard for ALL your DJ's!!
**NOTE: This is Compatible ONLY for Shoutcast Radio stations V1 and V2**
How it works:
step 1.Open the dj list notecard
Step 2.start a line. Add the streamer, the avatar name, the display name, the image.
Step 3.start a new line, Add another DJ (on the same notecard!)
Step 4.Finish with all your DJ's? Save Done!
add managers to control your board instead of you:
managers can edit the notecards (required mod permissions).
managers can login with all dj's instead of them.
managers can add temporary dj's without using notecards in seconds!
managers can set radio stations, change appearance, add or remove receiver.
easy DJ login
let the dj to instantly click the board to Start Play,and Ready for Party!
link the board with any of the DG Tip jar!
you can connect your board with any of your DG tip jar for instantly login!
and then just click the board and BAM! your tip jar is ready to use!
Confuse with the Settings?
Extra Notecard Name generator system, to use it for your dj list names!
STILL Confuse with the Settings?
Easy explainable video tutorials in English!
very Cheap Price (not like other Expensive boards) and IS COPY!
Update System! (you can have your personal update server powered by casper)
and many other settings!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FEATURES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
☠ Easy DJ Login in one click!
☠ Compatible for Shoutcast streamers Version 1 and Version 2.
☠ Display, Song,Title, Bitrate, Listeners/max listeners ,dj name/radio station, dj Image.
☠ Custom Main Title to add your club name.
☠ Extra Notice Board (extra panel) can connect with the main board, and place it around to your club!
☠ you can instantly add temporary dj's without using notecards!
☠ you can have a list of dj's (menu dialog) and login instead of them!
☠ Manager access can be for group members or notecard list (Manager Menu).
☠ 10 different HQ Animated Effect Images.
☠ Set Verbose for Song/Title in local chat in Whisper, Say or Shout.
☠ Custom Colors for the text letters.
☠ Different Font Styles.
☠ Different Skin on the Frame in B/W or Bloody Frame!
☠ Different Skin on the Skulls and the Xenomorph Head!
☠ you can add to display a custom image, or profile image...it is your choice!
☠ you have DG-T tip jar?
now you can link the shoutcast board with the tipjar and BAM! login both in one click!
☠ LINK DJ BOARDS EACH OTHER! If you use more than one boards,
Now you can link them Together, with the same informations in real time!
☠ you have DG-XV Song Reaction/Vote System?
you can link your shoutcast board with a vote system and let people to vote the songs!
☠ Settings notecard can be setup for your needs permanently!
☠ no more deed to group the board itself and messing with this!
you can deed to group a separate small receiver (1 prim) and the board is still owned to you!
☠ Instantly DJ logout and active your favorite radio in one click!
☠ High Quality Mesh Body for perfect appearance and awesome design you love!
NOTE:due the MESH way was build the board,count LAND IMPACT prim and NOT original prim as it has!
this mean in-world the LAND IMPACT is what count in the land!
☠ Low lag scripts.
☠ Update for life.
Advice by Purchasing:
Available DG-T Hybrid Power Tip jars, to combine your design
with your DG-X Shoutcast board, and connect it together for instantly login!
Permision Info:
Prims:Copy/Modify/NO Transfer
Script:Copy/No Modify/NO Transfer
ask us for invitation in user support group!
NO REFUND IN COPY ITEMS: check any demo at the mainstore before your purchasing.
or ask the Creator Daffy Proto for any help or further information.
something is wrong and your board is broken?
(check at the main store for the re-delivery terminal)
if you have any questions or problems feel free to ask me and i will glad to help you!
in case i am offline or busy:
you can send me email at the boards you can find at the mainstore Daffy's Gadgetmania
Greetings....Daffy Proto
Display Demo available at the mainstore
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- Easy Login as a dj
- Display: Image/Name/Song/Bitrate/Listeners/Club Name
- Linked System to connect several DG machines!
- Easy Setting Notecards
- Low Prim? Yes! Low lag? Yes!