G General

:DH: Haunted Library (MESH) Version 2.0

:DH: Haunted Library (MESH)

AVSitter 2.2. No position balls.
AVSitter 2.2 system, objects are attached directly activating the Code Violet experience.
Your accessories will continue to work if you don't have this experience enabled on your land and you will be asked to give your permission each time an item is selected.

Full decoration for a haunted Victorian library.
- Library Animations for two avatars. 13 LI
- Carpet: 4 LI. For 1 or 2 avatars. Warlock couple and sequence for a single avatar.
- Chair: For a single avatar. 10 animations for men, 10 for women and a stand. With props to drink, read or die. Even a crazy woman who approaches and moves away by touch. 4 LI.
- Pictures: 2 LI.
- Lamp: 5 Li. To turn on the lamp use the switch. (1Li)
- Spider web: 1 Li.
- Library Rat: 2 Li.

Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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love it
full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 14, 2023 by juandirection


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Creates a magical scene!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 16, 2020 by Romana Breuilly

This is beautifully textured and creatively imagined library area with many things (some unexpected) to "sit" on. (It took me a while to figure out how to produce the action indicated in one of the pictures. Try sitting on *everything*.) Each of the items in this set, from the bookcase to the family portraits, adds to the spooky atmosphere.

One warning: one of the included items moves around after you've touched it. Make sure you rezz it where it has space to run around.

One suggestion: the chandelier does not act as a light source, nor do the candles, flames, etc. Making one of these a touch-controlled light source would be helpful. A dark room is naturally spooky, but if this is placed in a dark (as most are) haunted house, much of the beautiful detail will be lost. It is easy enough for the owner to add a sconce or other light source, but since logical sources are already in the package....

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 09, 2016 by Vendetta Mirror

perfect furniture!

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PERFECT, as always
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 03, 2016 by Eclair Martinek

Great poses - excellent! What a great set!

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High Quality! Affordable! Excellent!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 30, 2015 by Muse Monigal

I've purchased every Halloween piece from DH this season for one reason and one reason only. After the first purchase, and then the second... and seeing the excellent detail and superior quality of the products I just had to have more... and kept on purchasing so that I had the complete collection. I'm so happy with it and so is my family and everyone that comes to our sim! Thank you so much for your work!

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