G Général

DM Smoothed Concrete Textures Version Pebbled 1

DM Smoothed Concrete Textures

5 High Quality *.TGA Rendered Textures in the form of Pebbled Concrete Textures.

Just want single textures? Visit the slur below to choose any of the 5 Textures.


Rendered November 2013

Mumbo Jumbo:

You can use these textures in content that you create and want to sell and or give away. This is why the permissions are set the way they are.

Full Permission Distribution of Textures either individual or texture pack is prohibited.

As stated above these are for people who want to create items for themselves, and/or give those items to others. In addition creators can use these textures in any of their designs, and include them with proper permissions.

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • 5 Gorgeous Pebbled Concrete Texture Renderings
  • 1024 x 1024
  • Rendered specifically for Second Life
  • Ideal for Content Creators of ALL Types
  • Save when purchasing pack.