This is scripted as a hovering airship that works equally well underwater.
This airship uses a modified Script by NCI's Muttenchops Chaplin. The scripts are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike license (read the text of the license at creative commons on the web). The gist of it: you can pass it along, you can pass modifications along or build on it, as long as your modifications use the same license.
To start with the airship, just sit in the pilots seat. After you sit there, say "start" in the open chat channel to get started.
Captain/Owner should be seated before passengers.
If you ever decide to stop flying and want to leave the airship - you should stop the airship by saying "stop" in open chat. That will turn off physics and make the airship behave well when someone stands up. Failing to stop the airship before standing up might result in the airship be twisted around from the resulting 'pushes' of standing.
The flight keys are simple:
cursor left and right = turn left/right
Cursor up and down adds forward/backward vector push.
Page Up and Down keys for vertical up or down.
Hold SHIFT key and arrow left/right to slide the ship in those directions without turning.
The Brass Aerosub has a few special features. You can click on the belly light to turn on a light source for dark water. This light will also automatically come on when it gets dark and can be turned off with a click.
The periscope raises for spotting above waves while fully submerged. Please put the scope down when you unrez or pack up the sub.
The canopy opens with a click. Please close the canopy when putting the sub away.
There is a 'steam jet' mode for the engines. Click the top engine and steam jets will spring forth. Click again to stop. Please stop the jets when putting the sub away.
Comments and any faults found to Miss Darlingmonster Ember please. I am not a scripter so please careful and make copies of your product before tinkering. All is left for you to mod/copy.
**note: if the ship does not properly recognize your seating, check to see if your animation override is off, dismount and try again. Thanks.
***some engines come with a second 'visual only' speed for props. Say 'fast' into open chat to rev the prop at a higher rate.
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DME Gadgets @ Port Caledon
See item in Second LifeDoes what it says it does and looks Awesome doing it!
I personally think this is one of the most incredible Steampunk vehicles available! It works beautifully and is simple to operate. I couldn't be happier with mine! Why aren't there more great reviews for this?!! I also love and have several other of Miss Ember's vehicles. Great work!