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(DS) Gilded Infernal Dragons BOM Kit Version 2.0

(DS) Gilded Infernal Dragons BOM Kit

Dream Snatcher's Presents...

(DS) Infernal Dragons BOM Base Kit

(Warning this is a Base Skin Kit!! For other Heads/Ears/Tails/Wings grab the Corresponding Expansion Kit AS WELL AS THIS BASE KIT!)

Part Support:

- RUF Tigerlong Parts
- SG Dragonbatte Wings
- AP/ANIMA Feet (Drakon feet use these skins)
- (DS)+[NSH] Cryptid Legs
- (DS)+[NSH] Avian Legs

Included items:

- Perfidy Horns Pre Textured for Tinting
- Materials Box (has Body Appliers)
- Raw Textures Box
- BOM Layers Box
- Modding for Dummies Notecards

Skins are UNISEX Meaning they work for both genders Only difference is the "Male" resources are for the Belleza JAKE body as it has a horrible offset across the belly for the plates. ONLY USE MALE RESOURCES ON JAKE

Notes: Appliers are pre set to apply a spec shine of 85 so make sure to set the same shine intensity for all parts when modding! (make sure all are tinted white as well!)

This kit can get complicated for the "basic" user so if you have any issues please read all the notecards first then if you still need help reach out to me either in world at Lyrren Littlepaws or come in world and click on the Discord button to join my server and reach out in the Secondlife Helpline chat for 24/7 support! (to the best of all of our abilities)

Where did the psicorp/vernid support go?

- I will no longer be supporting psicorp products of any kind in my store even in texture form. I have since deleted ALL resources for said products from my pc and store and will refuse any attempts to ask me to support them in the future. If you are unaware of the reasons for this (and why they are banned from events) I will gladly inform privately if asked. I will not shun those who choose to use said parts due to various reasons be it no viable replacements ect and do not condone ANYONE witchhunting people for using said products not everyone can afford to just nuke and replace mesh.

Still Lost?
Come Join us at The Dreamers Den in Discord to get some help super fast!!

See item in Second Life
  • Notecard
  • Full Materials
  • Advanced Lighting (Suggested)
  • Mesh Horns