G General

*DS* Glitch

*DS* Glitch

Welcome to the Glitch typing.
It is inspirated by an effect in a movie.

Here you will find all necessary informations about this typing override.
As you see, like since years you can change all options with the chat commands.
Additionally you can use the "*DS* Typer Control HUD" to change the options.

*DS* Glitch Commands:
/7help = this text
/7reset = resetting
/7adjust = show for appearance
/7pm = toggle constant visibility
/7color + something between <0,0,0> & <1,1,1>
/7glow + something between 0.0 & 1.0
/7light + something between 0.5 & 5.0
/7sound on | off = toggle typing-sound
/7loop on | off = typing-sound play looped or one-off
/7vol 0 - 10 = typing-sound volume
✣ For your own typing-sound put a soundfile into the object. *1
✣ You can replace the current animation with your own.

This typing is different, it uses multiple stored sounds for random playback.
But if you insert your own sound, only this one will be played and only then the loop function is available.
It makes no sense to insert multiple sounds because only one is selected.

DEMO inworld available

See item in Second Life
  • typing override
  • passive motion hybrid
  • hud control
  • sound exchange
  • animation exchange