*DS* Info Board v2
*DS* Info Board v2 is really easy to use.
Just drop a notecard, a landmark and - most importantly - the texture you want it to show (ratio 3:4) into the content of the board.
If you want to refer to an external website, all you have to do is edit the !Config Notecard.
Up to 9 entries are possible in any order you prefer.
Only entries containing a weblink after the @ symbol will automatically be included to the menu.
Regarding the names which are defined before the @ symbol, you are all free to choose. However, keep in mind that there's a limit of 11 characters to what will be readable displayed on the menu buttons.
Land Impact:
Default size counts just 1 Prim LI
Up to 3.8 meters high it will count 2 Prims LI
Larger will count more
- Info Board (Business Sign with Landmark & Notecard Giver)
- Web Link Feature (add custom links to the menu)
- Easy Notecard Config
- No LAG (1 script only)
I like it!
simple, helpful, works - perfect!
I prefer that board, because there are many features and the settings are really simple.
There was nothing left to say as "perfect"