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[DS] Type 45 Destroyer (VICE Target) Version 1

[DS] Type 45 Destroyer (VICE Target)
[DS] Type 45 Destroyer (VICE Target)
1 Review

The vessel is 83 land impact and made up of both mesh and prim components. The model is of a British type 45 destroyer and can be destroyed using the VICE combat system.

The warship has 400 hit points and can be damaged only by heavy shells and missiles.

Once destroyed the ship tips over, starts smoking and changes to a wrecked texture.

This is a very old build. I originally built it over 4 years ago as a working VICE ship which I gave out as a freebie. Back then everyone was having big naval battles but I couldn't afford my own ship. So I decided to try and build my own with my limited scripting and modelling experience. After sitting in my inventory untouched I stumbled across it again recently. Due to the poor scripting I didn't want to release it on my store, but after 10 minutes work I was able to make it into a VICE target.

Why is it so cheap?
It is very basic and doesn't have much detail in comparison to what I am used o building these days, so I am a bit embarrassed having this on my store, the scripting is also very basic.

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Still it is fun
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted January 03, 2024 by TanithLee Tremor

Just wish I could access the config and make it easier to sink. But still fun to shoot at from a jet

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L$ 49

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Dez. Studios [DS]
Dez. Studios [DS]
Sold by: jabeds

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Mesh: Partial Mesh
Land Impact: 83