The visitor greeter compares the current visitors every 5 seconds with the visitors in the daily list, which is deleted daily when the date changes.
You can change the colors of the digital displays with the build menu, simply edit linked parts and select individual links.
There are 6 different versions available, here are the features.
● *DS* Visitor Greeter (basic) v2.0.01
Auto backup, you can reset the counter without clearing the counter.
To clear the counter you have to press ZERO and confirm the security question.
You can register the visitors of your region or your parcel, simply select the appropriate option in the menu.
The greeter starts when you press the button Online and stops when you press Offline.
Each visitor is counted once and receives only one greeting in the chat a day.
With the Greeting function you can enter an individual greeting.
The word VISITOR is automatically replaced by the script with the name of the visitor.
This message will be set back to default on reset.
Additionally, you can put a landmark and a notecard inside the greeter's contents.
Corresponding buttons appear automatically in the menu.
This allows visitors to serve themselves if they wish.
The List button lists every single avatar of the current day in the local chat.
Each name appears as a clickable link to open the respective profile.
Be careful SPAM, very many names may appear.
● *DS* Visitor Greeter (advanced) v2.1.01
Same as above, plus...
This greeter additionally shows the current number of visitors of the day and stores the number of the previous day.
● *DS* Visitor Greeter (PDT clock) v2.2.01
Same as above, plus...
This greeter has an analog clock to display the PDT time.
● *DS* Visitor Greeter (owner online) v2.3.01
Same as above, plus...
Instead of the clock, this greeter has a profile picture display and shows the online status of the owner.
The Profiles button in the menu displays a link in the chat window to open the owner's profile.
The profile picture is automatically read by the server.
If you have changed your profile picture shortly before, it will take up to 24 hours until the new picture is displayed.
Alternatively, you can put a custom picture into the content of the greeter to show instead of your profile picture.
For example a club or store logo.
● *DS* Visitor Greeter (extended) v2.4.01
Same as above, plus...
This greeter has a clock for PDT time and profile picture display with online status.
● *DS* Visitor Greeter (ultimate) v2.5.01
Same as above, plus...
This greeter also shows the current number of visitors who are on the region or parcel at the same time.
It also displays the current Sim FPS and the percentage Sim LAG every second.