D'STOPIAN // Old Tent
D'STOPIAN Old party tent!
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Approximately 13 m x 11 m (not including the entrance part), and 6 m tall. At that size it stands at 10 li, but land impact may change if you resize the item!
The flag on the top waves lazily in the breeze.
Great Concept, Definitely Needs Adjusting
I was looking forward to this, however, there are a couple of glaring texture issues that aren't visible from the ad pic. A panel on the top, a panel on the back wall, visible from inside and out, are both mal-aligned with the rest of the tent's texture as well as a smaller portion on the upper tier. I was less worried about the coloring for the build we're using it in, but the mis-aligned textures are too obvious. Since it's all one face, I can't do any realignment myself.
I'm hesitant to purchase anything else from this vendor without an in-world display from here on out.
Nice tent and only 10 prims!
If u shrink the tent prims drops down! I really like!
L$ 299
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
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- User Licensed