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DTX Nirvana Designs! Full Perms!

DTX Nirvana Designs! Full Perms!

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The DTX by Nirvana Designs is what happens when a customizers dreams come true! If you look through the pictures you will find that this car is extremely easily modified, it is color coded, and in general the parts allow you to change it any way you wish! You want a convertible? You've got it!

The car is one of the sleekest designs on SL, truly a masterpiece, I am proud of all the work that has been put in to create this, and I display this car in my shop! By buying this car, you receive full permissions to use it as you wish, you may modify it and sell it, use it as your main car for driving around town, or even use it as a decoration for your lavish club!

Everything is fully finished, the interior, the exterior, hood, doors, bumpers, fenders, etc! There is even a bit of an engine inside! The only thing I cannot offer to you full perm is the wheels, as they are from another creator! (I'm sorry guys, nothing I can do about that, go purchase them from them!)

The possibilities are truly endless, this car is just a customizers dream. One of my favored creations, I am offering it to you for a new low price, hoping that you may share in my joy!

I thank you again for viewing my product, and please, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or thoughts, please IM Weihoppa Nirvana in world! Also willing to show you the car inworld if you need it!

  • High Quality! Best of the best.
  • Full permissions, use it however you like.
  • Parts and pieces.
  • Finished Product!
  • 91 LI
Average rating: full star empty star empty star empty star empty star
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not good :-(
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted September 16, 2013 by Lacero Ghoststar

it has 181 Prims/ 91 LP
the rims are no copy/No Mod

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