G General

~ DW ~ Northman Axe Set

~ DW ~ Northman Axe Set

Item is non-scripted

This axe set is very low prim. coming in at only 5 prim for the entire set.

Notice* Full perm does not mean you resale at Full perm. you may set it to no mod/no trans for resale. it is a builders kit to be used as part of furniture, or for weapon scripting. It may be used or incorporated into your own builds but may not be resold as is.

This set comes completely textured. textures are not included in the package. UV Maps are not included but if you need them for re-texturing contact me and I will either email them to you or put them up on a link for download. I will not upload them to sl because that would raise the price unnecessarily.

This is not a perfect set. The pole arm does have a little imperfection at the bottom of the handle *it's not completely straight* but when used as part of furniture or decoration item you can turn it in such a way that it wont be seen or noticed.

Builders note* when setting permission remember that they do not take affect until the item is rezzed. this means if you give an item from your inventory that was full perm and only set the permissions when it was in your inventory, the next owner will be able to rez, and transfer that item from their inventory as much as they like. even if you set it to no copy, or no transfer. always set the permissions with the item rezzed and then pick it up into your inventory to ensure permissions are set properly before putting it in a vendor or sending it to the market place.

If you have an questions please contact Calli or Snow.