G Général

Dae Obj FBX Men's Standing Collar Jacket Slink Male Belleza Jake Signature Gianni Legacy Male Fitmesh Classic

Dae Obj FBX Men's Standing Collar Jacket Slink Male Belleza Jake Signature Gianni Legacy Male Fitmesh Classic

This listing is for Dae, Obj, Fbx, and texture source files.
You will find the instant download link in a notecard after purchase.

Files included inside the download are:
- 1 Mesh Face
- Obj File
- Fbx File
- Dae Models(Mesh for Slink Male, Belleza Jake, Signature Gianni, Legacy Male, Fitmesh Classic)
- Texture files of UV map, AO map, and Alpha map

Terms and conditions:
- Models of this source files or derivatives made from it cannot be sold or given away as Full Permission or be sold as builder's kit at Second Life Marketplace, Second Life inworld, and other virtual grids and similar platforms.
- Model Files and its derivatives made from these files cannot be sold as source files on any platforms including Marketplace.
- Min selling price for the copy of the model cannot be less than 50 L$ at Marketplace and inworld stores. Providing not full perm.
- You can't give models and files as freebie under any condition.

  • Dae, Obj and Texture Files
  • External Download Link
  • Slink Male, Belleza Jake, Signature Gianni, Legacy Male, Fitmesh Classic
  • 1 Mesh Face
  • Shadow map, Easy to work on, highly optimized UV Map with visual guidance