Elegant thigh high boots in a gentle design. 30 pre-rendered Leather textures for front, back and two straps. 10 textures each for the sole and metal. Changeable through an easy to use HUD along with colour tinting and more after your heart's delight. Includes Bonus copies with materials* (Normal/shine). Optional R L V-lockable & restrains with outside operator and open access functionality.
¤ Easy to use HUD to change Texture, Colour tint, shine**, glow and full bright on the boots
¤ 30 detailed Leather textures. Can be colour tinted for further adjustments.
¤ 10 Metal and Sole textures
¤ Optional R L V features with restraints and outside Operators.
* Requires Advanced Light System and viewer with Material support.
** Not available to change on the Material Bonus version for technical reasons.
Please note that due to the nature of Fitted rigged Boots. Even though they are set to mod. You cannot change size, position or rotation of the boots. However manual changing colour tint, Shine and other available changes to the surface is possible.
Change log ======================
1.1/4.2 (2014-07-26)
> Bug fix: Alpha and Shoe base now unlock when turning off Alpha/base lock, while the boots are locked.
> Larger version added, better suited for most BBW shapes.
- 30 Leather textures
- Fitted Mesh
- Changable through a easy to use HUD