Ever wanted to experience a heavy thunderstorm at night in SL, that slight drizzle of a lonely day. Experience the gloom of a morning hailstorm. Walk through falling snow. Or experience the mists of a day in autumn....
With the WeatherSystem, you can.
Offering rain, hail, snow, thunder & lightning, fog, you now control the weather.
The system features:
- rain : 3 levels, from drizzle to heavy storm
- hail: 3 levels, from some hail to a complete hailstorm
- snow : 3 levels, from some snow to heavy snowstorm
- thunder & lighting: multiple sound fx, + local lighting
- fog
- snow that actually stays on the ground, with sound effects
- clouds, change their density and colour depending on weather and (optionally) hued by time of day, and have sunrays breaking through them
- wind effects, all precipitation can be either still of heavily moving in the wind
- covers from a 20x20m area up to a complete sim!
- autorezzing emitters + fully configurable
- auto update, receive lifetime free updates of bugfixes.
and many more options ;)
Visit www.damanicorp.com for more info.
Look at the movies:
Click here to watch Weathersystem---rain--thunder
Click here to watch Weathersystem---snow
Or visit Damania for an in world demo
If you wish to be informed about new updates & extensions to the weathersystem and other damani products, join the 'Damani Customer Info' group in world.
weather, weer, wetter, meteo
- Rain
- Snow
- Thunder & Kightning
- Fog
- Hail
Not worth the money.
I first had to go over 1k meters below where I rezzed the sign to even find the emitters, and then minutes later they deleted themselves. It seems you have to leave the sing rezzed with no way to hide it in order for them to stay. I refuse to have a huge sign in the middle of my parcel. This is a waste of money.
I saw this system inworld working on a sim i visited and decided to go ahead and buy this... unfortunately I am unable to figure out how to get this to work. I've rezzed one out in the land group with nothing happening. So I set it to group AND deeded it..still nothing. I've sent an email to the creator as his profile says "If you have a problem with a Damani product, send a mail through to: support@damanicorp.com" Also gives a name to contact which I am trying to do as well. Until i get this working ... the rating will stay at 1 star. 995L deserves a working system or some better customer service. UPDATE: I FOUND THE CLOUDS & RAIN ETC 1300m LOWER than my sky area. I manually moved them up that far.. a little bit at a time. I still have not been able to get the "lightening strikes" to work and still no reply back to my calls for help.
Doesn't Work
Sadly this does not work, at all. I tried every possible combination it has in instructions and on the board and it won't rezz any weather effects at all, deeded or not, grouped or not, reset or not. Why are items like this allowed on the MP if its just a money grab?
Works at it should - set the access first!
Just set it on ALL , deed it to the group and tadaaaaaaaa - it works as it should.
Not working as it should
This system is not working. Followed all instructions and it does what it wants. Not even worth one single Linden Dollar. Disappointing, just a waste of time and money