Fit for fantasy, right out of the mystical castle, here is our Dark Wood Cabinet. The Fae took the most enchanted wisps of grim wood and carved the most gorgeous Celtic images of trinity knots, owls, the Green Man, horses, and dragons in the binding. 4 murky trees frame the slightly frosted glass panes, including 2 individually functioning doors, that open outward from the front crux. Inside is where all the mystery has been chiseled away, upon which your treasures can be securely nestled and proudly displayed. The feet have been whittled into more Celtic knots, on a valance of antique styled French curves. ...Definitely regal. Definitely you. Don't expect anything less! We hope you like it!
This cabinet consists of sculpted prims and mesh. 3 versions are included. Each version includes doors that open and close, individually and gracefully. All of these pieces are copy/mod for your personal preferences.
Our door script is from Belle Morte Designs. We have included their notecard with instructions on how adjust the doors to your preferences. This can be easily done by changing the numbers in the description of each door. You can change the doors' speed, security (everyone can open, group, or owner), sound, and the angle of how the doors swing, if you wish.
1) The soft-linked Dark Wood Cabinet has the 2 prim sculpted doors separate from the cabinet itself. This version is 11 prims, total. Before rezzing this, please make sure to have your build window open first. If you open the doors to judge placement, please be sure to close them again before moving, or this may break the scripted placement of the doors and you will have to rerez.
2) The Dark Wood Cabinet (Rez-Free Version), also 11 prims, has the sculpted doors separate as well, but using a Rez-Free anchor may prove to be easier when moving and placing this item. The anchor includes easy to follow instructions. If you open the doors to judge placement, please be sure to close them again before moving, or this may break the scripted placement of the doors and you will have to rerez. This will say no mod in your inventory because of the scripts, but the furniture itself is still modifiable.
3) The Dark Wood Cabinet (9 Prim Mesh Version) is all one piece. These doors are mesh and were very thoughtfully designed by The Belle Morte™ (morte.couturier). These doors generally look the same, however there is a slight bit of difference in the framework of the tree panes, and texture direction on the vertical parts.
If you have any questions or comments before leaving feedback, feel free.
Thank you, and remember that refined beauty is in the eye of the olde beholder!
-Lilith & Samael ♥ :)
MajikVixen (BlueVioletVixen Lorefield)
ਹөƞ ƇƸяתߎɳŋøϟ (joncernunnos)
Owners of ^v^/<|;) (Bats Out Of Hats)
Group Key: 0dceeb4c-62ab-9436-ca6a-5f46106681b4
ASN: #BatsOutOfHats
- Animated Via Script/Functional Doors