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December Wind necklace

December Wind necklace

December Wind from Burnstein Azalee Jewelry

* 18-karat gold & tanzanite
* genuine design
* without blinking, low lag
* handmade jewelry

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IM Chrysalida Burnstein if you want to personalize your gift, for 10% of price, with special message/notecard, in beautiful box.


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Tanzanite was discovered around 1967 in Tanzania, near Arusha. According to legend, tanzanite was discovered when a Masai tribesman found the sparkling stones in the remnants of a lightning fire, which had evidently heated the brown stones to a vivid blue. This led to the realization that heating zoisite--an opaque, usually brownish mineral--turns it beautifully transparent and blue.

Tiffany & Co. introduced tanzanite to the world in the late 1960s. Having one of the most famous jewelry companies in the world recognize tanzanite's potential was definitely serendipitous. But because the supply was not stable, the marketing and promotion of tanzanite came to a halt, sending tanzanite back into obscurity.

Recognizing the potential for tanzanite, the Tanzanian government intervened in 1971 and attempted to bring tanzanite back to popularity. The mining and control of tanzanite was turned over to the state around 1976. Production decreased dramatically, taking with it what little market share tanzanite had regained.

By the 1980s, conditions had not improved, production was irregular at best, and thousands of illegal miners had saturated the Merelani Hills. The government again took control of the area in 1991 and issued licenses to mine, mostly to native Tanzanians. Soon a temporarily sufficient tanzanite supply came to the market, allowing for tanzanite's tremendous growth.

According to local legend, it was Masai cattle herders that first found this gemstone more than thirty years ago while they were roaming an area that had been burned by blazing fire caused by lightening. It is said that the herders noticed that the heat of the blaze had turned the stones from their normal brownish-red color to deep purple. Tanzanite is said to be a great stone for calming and soothing the verves and eradicating chaos. It is also believed to help focus desires and make them come into fruition. It is recommended as a protective stone and connects and balances the 5th, 6th and 7th chakras. It is also said to be a powerful stone for concentrating psychic abilities and works well for water or moon cleansing rituals.

In October 2002, Tanzanite was added to the official birthstone list by the American Gem Trade Association as an birthstone for December.


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