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Decorative Vase With dry twigs Colorful

Decorative Vase With dry twigs Colorful


CCD MESH Decorative Vase With dry twigs Colorful
100% MESH All done with 3DS Max 2015 and V-Ray.
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Beautiful and Very realistic MESH.
Very easy to texturize.

INCLUDES.....Original Mesh.
Vase001 With dry twigs And Shadow Floor
Vase002 With dry twigs And Shadow Floor
Vase003 With dry twigs And Shadow Floor
Vase004 With dry twigs And Shadow Floor
CCD MESH Decorative Vase With dry twigs Colorful
4 Different Vases With dry twigs Colorful Simple and also spiral.
A very nice style colorful modern.
High resolution Textures and ShadowMap.
All Textures and ShadowMap 1024X1024 PNG.
Shadow Floor.
Everything textured and not.
Very Strong LOD.
Land Impact....
Vase001With dry twigs LI3
Vase002With dry twigs LI3
Vase003With dry twigs LI3
Vase004With dry twigs LI3.

Please do not sell FULL PERM.
Do not sell to 0 Linden.
Distribute this product with your own texture You can not distribute AO Map.
Distribute this product part of your creations..
Distribute this product "copy mod / no transfer" "transfer / no copy no mod".
CC...Design Mesh Full Perm For Builders.
DEMO IN World.

Thank you CCD

See item in Second Life