Desert Compass (HUD) - boxed Version 1.1
Such a little, but useful, tool for an explorer: this little compass, placed on top-right corner of your HUD/display, will give you the only information you need when roaming into unknows territories: which direction am I facing?
Built to be small and fast, this is a very minimal tool, made-to-be-minimal, to have really low impact in terms of visual and scripting (16KB only) to affect your explorations as few as possible, as we at SindarTech are used to. As we are the very first customers of ourselves and greatly appreciate things which create low lag as possible, don't clutter our display but are still useful and reliable.
1. wear the compass
2. touch the compass to switch it on/off, if you need to further lower your lag
3. take a glance at it, sometimes, when you need to know the direction you are facing
No need to setup.
You can reposition it in the HUD location you prefer.
You can also switch it off, if feeling lagging in some very crowded places: when off, the inner timer doesn't run, lowering the global lag.
Wearing it is the best way to unpack its contents as the box can work even in no-rez sims and it will auto-detach after giving the contents. You obviously can also rez it, if you like, and it will give you the contents after you touch it.
We know we can even give you all the things yet unpacked, but this way you'll have a ready backup just in case of loosing the contents (and, if you even loose the pack, just ask us and we will redelivery, if the product is no-transfer).
.: SindarTech :.
- worn item: it work in the whole SL
- completely automatic
- extreme low-weight/low-lag: ONE 16k script only
- visually low impact