G General

Design Dining Chair - Wood 01 - Orange Version 1

Design Dining Chair - Wood 01 - Orange

Design Dining Chair - Wood 01 - Orange

Perfect as Furniture or Decoration in homes etc.
Very fit for modern homes with its curved orange painted wood seat design and steel legs
Apply a sit script to it if you need, as the chair can be modified.

This Chair was Sculpted in Zbrush, then Retopologized to Low Poly, PBR Textured in Substance Painter, Then LightBaked Into Diffuse / Normal / Specular.

1 x Diffuse Textures
1 x Normal Textures
1 x Specular

  • 1 x Design Chair
  • 1 x Diffuse Map
  • 1 x Normal Map
  • 1 x Specular Map