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Destrier by Design - Stable Fat Pack

Destrier by Design - Stable Fat Pack

- Destrier By Design-

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Included in this pack:

Breedable Stable
Double Stall Stable
Single Gate Stable
Walled Double Stable

Please do not link the gates to the stables, as it will stop them from opening and closing. All stables are set to phantom, this is because their original purpose was for breedable pets in SL - changing this may cause issues such as invisible walls. If the textures or size become distorted, please rez a new copy of the stable.


When moving please make sure the stable and the gate door are all selected. Do not link or change the Physics Shape Type, it will damage the scrips and possibly stop you entering the shed.

The horse stable says no modify as it has scripts inside. The texture and size are all modify.

Thank you the for support, we are new store and learning every day.
Hopefully there will be many more designs to come in the future. If you have any issues, please sent a notecard to the store owner.

See item in Second Life