The Chinese are thought to have created the first waterproof umbrella when they lacquered paper parasols or paper umbrellas, so it would protect them from rain as well as sunlight. The first collapsible umbrella is another innovation of the paper parasol attributed to the Chinese. Eventually, paper parasols came to be associated with nobility and other high ranking officials. According to legend, at one time, 24 paper umbrellas were carried before the Emperor to protect him from the sun while hunting.
Originally, the Chinese used leaves to cover their parasols or umbrellas; later on, however, they replaced the leaf with paper. The first paper parasol or paper umbrella was built 2000 years ago in China where paper was invented. Paper parasol was made of rigid bamboo spokes around a wooden shaft or handle. A strip of paper was then fitted or pasted on the spokes. Chinese artists painted the parasols with dragons, tigers, Chinese characters, flowers, landscapes and other Chinese themes and symbols. Shortly after they applied wax or lacquer over the paper parasol to repel water. The lacquer or oil did not only make the parasol useful even during rainy season, but it also gave durability to the paper.
Our Antique Oriental Parasols are decoration only. They are not scripted but they are modifyable. If you want to carrie the parason please add a script and animation to the parasol.
Visit Hosoi Ichiba for traditional Oriental, Japanese and Chinese furniture, paintings, sumi-e, silks, woodcuts and screens. Rare Japanese Shunga prints and Paintings. All kinds of Asian arts and furniture for your Zen house. Undoubtedly the best high resolution asian style products in Second Life available today. Now situated in a lovely authentic japanese garden. Come over and enjoy!
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