A Fantastic set of Lynx ears, and Tail!
Tail comes in 2 different positions/styles!
tail and ears have flexi fluffy bits for added detail!
- High Quality
- HD Textures
Not sure what to say
Accidentally found out the texture wasn't savable...I wanted to make it completely white so when I made it blank it was a mistake...there was no turning back..the texture was gone for good...shakes head...you say modifiable but products from you have never really ever been...
It's amazing but. . .
I honestly think it would be better with a HUD to make coloring them easier, It was a pain to get them the right color, and having to do them all separately, I like this product. But please if you do ever update it, do ad a HUD. It will make it easier to do. Thank you for you consideration.
love is set it rock ty so much for make is
i love your set am lynx my self and i love is set bc make me look awesome ty so much for 11L get it it rock you love too:D
I love it, the tails are cute and fit my tiny body perfect when I resize :D And.. 11L? Really? Wow!