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[Domarenatrix] Recoloring HUD

[Domarenatrix] Recoloring HUD

Hello valued customer!

The [Domarenatrix] Recoloring HUD works with all my items, so you need it only once. Just wear your items and the HUD and click it to open the menu. Here, you can select which item to configure and you can apply presets. If you want to do your own combinations, select a color, select a part of your item to recolor (e.g. the sleeves of a dress) and click "assign" to apply the color to the selected part.

If you wanna go even further, you can set a custom color combination by giving a vector of numbers (e.g. 120, 1, 1 for blood red).

Enjoy, have fun and remember to play safely!

All the best,
Mistress Lycia

PS: For the extra bold: You can edit the notecard inside each item and add your own favorite colors if you like!

  • Free recoloring HUD to use with all [Domarenatrix] items!