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[Draelin Tactical] DTAR-15F Version 1.01+R

[Draelin Tactical] DTAR-15F

----------------------------------------------------------------[Draelin Tactical]-----------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------DTAR-15F Instructions--------------------------------------------------


Platform: AR-15
Fire Modes: Auto, Semi-Auto
Average Rate of Fire: 950 RPM (Fixed/Non-Adjustable)
Bullet Dimensions: 5.00x0.03x0.03
Capacity: 10/20/30 Rounds.
Grenade Launcher Capacity: 1 Round.

The Draelin Tactical Industries DTAR-15 is a heavily optimized AR platform rifle centered around combat
reliability and performance. Parts for this rifle have been painstakingly designed and manufactured for
peak combat performance and ultimately designed to outlast and outperform competition while also still
offering plenty of adaptability for modern combat theatres, offering a range of optional modular attachments
and custom-tuned munitions to suit the needs of even the most sophisticated professional operators.

This is the barebones basic version of the DTAR-15 and is meant to be rugged, reliable and simple. This
version of the DTAR offers the basics: Melee, underslung grenade launcher with several grenade types
as well as a flechette (shotgun) type round, as well as the very basic/standard round types in 5.56mm.
Optional suppressor, and toggleable flip-up sights as well as an angled foregrip which will replace the
grenade launcher if so desired. While the options of this version are limited, they come with the absolute
best price tag: FREE.

Also included is a +R version which contains a resizer. It is recommended you use the resizer's delete
function after adjustment to maintain peak weapon efficiency.


Left mouse click - Fires weapon.
"/6r" will reload the weapon.
"/6tmd" will toggle magazine drop/grenade case eject on reload. Default to off.
"/6off:#" will set weapon rez offset. Factory Default is 4.0.
"/6vel:###" Will set projectile velocity, where "#" represents a number. Default 200. Max 200.
"/6semi" will set the weapon to fire in semi-automatic mode. Increases Accuracy.
"/6auto" will set the weapon to fire in full automatic mode. Decreases Accuracy.
"/6sil" will toggle a suppressor on the weapon and change firing sound.
"/6sling" will sling the weapon, rendering it full alpha.
"/6draw" will draw the weapon.
"/6reset" will reset the weapons scripts.

"/6mc:0" will set using ten round magazines.
"/6mc:1" will set using twenty round magazines.
"/6mc:2" will set using thirty round polymer magazines.
"/6mc:3" will set using thirty round steel magazines.

-Standard Ammo-
"/6st" will load standard 5.56x45mm Rounds.
"/6tr" will load tracer 5.56x45mm Rounds.
"/6lp" will load low profile 5.56x45mm Rounds.
"/6hg" will load high grain 5.56x45mm Rounds. [BD: 7.50x0.03x0.03]

-Ballistic Ammo-
"/6b:st" will load ballistic standard 5.56x45mm Rounds.
"/6b:tr" will load ballistic tracer 5.56x45mm Rounds.
"/6b:lp" will load ballistic low profile 5.56x45mm Rounds.
"/6b:hg" will load ballistic high grain 5.56x45mm Rounds. [BD: 7.50x0.03x0.03]

[Grenade Launcher]
"/6dc" will fire a grenade, if ready.
"/6rg" will reload the grenade launcher.
"/6gvel:##" Will set grenade velocity, where "#" represents a number. Default 50. Max 50.
"/6tim:##" will set grenade fuse time. Maximum 16 seconds. 0 for contact.

[Grenade Ammo]
"/6sf:ki" will load standard Kinetic Explosive Grenades. Default. [5A5M]
"/6sf:he" will load High Explosive Grenades. Damage dropoff past 5m. [0A10M-PD]
"/6sf:fb" will load Flash-Bang Grenade. Low avatar damage. [0A5M-PD+FLASHBANG]
"/6sf:sm" will load Smoke Grenades. No Damage. Obscures Vision.
"/6sf:fl" will load Flechette Hive Shells. [Flechettex10]

"/6scope:0" will set iron sights. Lowest Accuracy.
"/6scope:1" will set peep iron sights. Low Accuracy.

"/6ub:0" will attach grenade launcher. Default.
"/6ub:1" will attach basic fore grip.
"/6li" will toggle attaching the flashlight. Provides directional light and enables a blinding attack.

"/6tl" will toggle the flashlight on and off while attached.
"/6fl" will attempt to blind anyone within 15 meters in front of you if the flashlight is attached and on.


This weapons melee function is activated by pressing the crouch (Default "C") key. Melee range is 5
meters. This weapon is so incredibly strong, you can beat a tank to death with it, although this is not

Thank you for choosing Draelin Tactical.
Please enjoy (one of) the best free firearm(s) you'll ever own.

  • Fire Modes: Auto, Semi-Auto
  • Average Rate of Fire: 950 RPM
  • Variable Capacity: 10/20/30 Round Magazines
  • Grenade Launcher and Flashlight attachments
  • Also includes the VTAR-15
Average rating: full star full star full star full star half star
  • 5 star:
  • 4 star:
  • 3 star:
  • 2 star:
  • 1 star:
Quality for Free
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted June 22, 2020 by Danya Velde

Naturally, this thing isn't perfect, but it's free, and better than 90% of the market right now. Certainly worth your time.

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My new favorite gun
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 26, 2019 by AzulaLeem Amethyst

Easy to handle, lovely design

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