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Dragon Lantern Unpack It

Dragon Lantern Unpack It

This lantern is a beautiful add to your home inside or out.

Please open up your Edit box before rezzing.There are two parts. The second part is invisible.
The invisible part is at the top of the lantern, and is linked to the box inside the lantern, which
has the on/off light feature, plus the menu to change the colors. If you don't see a glow the first
time you click the dragon symbol, click again. When you click it the first time, a menu will pop
up, and you can choose a color, but as I said above, click dragon symbol a second time to make
it glow white, then choose your color.

Just remember the invisible part there, because if you rezz it out and then move it, the invisible
part will NOT move with the lantern unless you are in the edit box. It had to be done this way,
because when I linked the two, and then changed the color, it changed the color for the entire
lantern and pole. When I figure a way to fix it, I will update this.

Thanks, Hope you enjoy this.

Saoirse Dragon Panther

  • On/Off Light
  • Menu color change