G General

Dragon to wear red mesh animated, flying, move with arrows, pose sit animated, go up and down slowly, ADD

Dragon to wear red mesh animated, flying, move with arrows, pose sit animated, go up and down slowly, ADD

This product requires the use of MESH SL Viewer and is available for all people woman and men . Version sit and version lay

NO DEMO : you can see the dragon mesh animated in my mainstore (without the pose unisex for men or woman)

In the full pack 1 color :
- Dragon to wear mesh flying, pose animated, go up and down slowly, move with arrows NO AO ( remove your AO, no mode FLY required but you can) ADD
- - Dragon to wear mesh flying, pose animated, go up and down slowly, move with arrows NO AO ( remove your AO, no mode FLY required but you can) ADD ........ the same but PHANTOM

See item in Second Life