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{Dream Doll} Lilac Dotty Trunk - for ToddleeDoo!

{Dream Doll} Lilac Dotty Trunk - for ToddleeDoo!
{Dream Doll} Lilac Dotty Trunk - for ToddleeDoo!
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43 prims. copy. no modify. no transfer.

Touch the trunk to open and close it, this will also bring up the texture change menu, click 'Done' on the menu if you do not wish to change the textures.

If you wish to change the textures.. simply click the trunk and choose 'Texture'. Here, you can change the textures of the straps, bows (including no bow), handle, rings, and ring mount.

The trunk has a photo frame inside it that you're able to put your own picture into. To do this, simply rez your trunk on the ground, right-click it and choose 'edit'. Then choose 'contents' on the edit window and drag which textures you'd like to use into the contents (you can have more than one). To make the photo show in the frame, click your trunk and choose 'photo', then pick which photo you'd like!

Your trunk is copyable, so if you wish to delete the texture change script when you're done texturing it.. make a copy of the trunk, rez it, and click the trunk. Choose 'Options' and then 'Delete'. This will help with lag.

To use the trunk, just wear it and you will be animated, holding your trunk in front of you.

Thank you and enjoy!
xo, Giselle Adored

L$ 100

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Sold by: Giselle Melune

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This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.

This item contains wearable items for your avatar.

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  • Copy
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  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: Partial Mesh