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Dvandva Access Server Script Box Version 1

Dvandva Access Server Script Box

The Build Access Server Script allows you to centralize your access control for the components of your build. Simply drop the script and in any prim in your build and add a few lines of code to the scripts you want to receive the access information and you are done!

This package include

- the accessServer script,
- example script
addToList v1.0 - shows how to add a person to the access list from a script
remFromList v1.0 - shows how to remove a person from the access list from a script
menu v1.0 - shows how to call the menu system from a script
setAccess v1.1 - shows how to set a specific access type from a script
showAccess v1.1 - shows how to display the current access in floating text

- an example configuration notecard.


Link Messages

The scripts sends the following outgoing messages:

integer AS_TYPE = 9999; // string argument: Owner, Group, All, List,Group+List
integer AS_ADD = 9998; // string argument is the name of the person to add
integer AS_REM = -9998; // string argument is the name of the person to remove
integer AS_YES = 9990; // name, UUID - this person has access
integer AS_NO = -9990; // name, UUID - this person does not have access
integer AS_DONE = 9991; // Done selected from access server menu
integer AS_RESET = 10000; // clear the access list

The script can receive the following message:

integer RESET_AS = 10000; // clear the access list
integer SET_AS = 9999; // access - sets the current access to <access>
integer ADD_AS = 9996; // name, UUID - adds name to allowed list
integer REM_AS = 9995; // name, UUID - removes name from allowed list
integer CHECK_AS = 9994; // name, UUID - checks if name is allowed access
integer MENU_AS = 9993; // name, UUID - presents access server menu to name
integer SEND_AS = 9992; // send the current access info


Configuration Notecard

Remove the pound sign(#) from the line you wish to use. If you specify a list of allowed users
you should separate their names with a comma and no spaces. The options are:

1) allowed=Owner - Owner allows only the owner to use the object.

2) allowed=Group - Group allows anyone in the same group as the objects to use it.

3) allowed=All - All allows everyone to use it.

4) allowed=List - List allows those on the allowed list to use it.
This requires 2 line. The 2nd one is a list of
names as follows:

allowed=Rian Jayaram,Dominque Constantine

5) allowed=Group+List - List+Group allows those on the allowed list
plus group member. This requires 2 line.
The 2nd one is a list of names as follows:

allowed=Rian Jayaram,Dominque Constantine


Menu system

The access server has a built in menu system that can be activated through the link message interface:

llMessageLinked(<link>,9993,<avatar name>, <avatar uuid>);

Menu Commands:

Access... - brings up the access options

Owner - select to set access to owner only.
Group - select to set access to the same group as the door.
All - all access to everyone.
List - all access to those on the allowed list.
Group+List - combination of Group and List.

Add Person - when List or Group+List is selected the Add Person option
will be available on the menu and when selected will call
up a sub menu as follows:

Scan - Scan the area and present the closest (up to 15) avatars
in a menu to select from.

Chat - allows you to chat the name of an avatar on channel #1.
A sub menu will come up with an option of "OK". You
can repeat as many times as you want and then select "OK"
from the menu.

Rem Person - when there are people on the allowed list you can remove
them with this command. It will present of menu of all
the people on the allowed list - select one or more to

Clear List - when there are people on the allowed list you can clear
all of them with this command.

Done - when finished select Done and a link message with 9991 will be

See item in Second Life
  • Link Message Interface
  • Menu Based
  • Example Scripts
  • Owner, All, Group, List or Group+List