Create over 150 cameras positions!
Photography: set up cameras at each point you want to shoot a picture from.
Security: Monitor specific areas for the presence of avatars and listen to public chat.
Shop Owners: Let your customers browse by camming to each product or tour your shop.
Business: Create tours, auctions or augment presentations with real time cams. Track
what your customers are doing.
Sim Owners: show visitors the hightlights of your sim and where the action is.
Builders: get the builders package and integrate cameras points into your products!
Rentals and Land Owners: no more tp boards! Let your customers view your properties by cam.
- View from specific camera or rotate between cameras
- Hide or show camera objects
- Listen to local chat within 20 meters of camera
- Motion (avatar) detection for each camera
- Move camera focus by keyboard
- Set camera position from freeCam position
- Move camera object to current camera view
- Get teleport link to current camera
- Rez new camera from current camera position
- Create custom camera and name camera for easy reference
- Remove all cameras with a single click
- Remove individual camera
- shared cameras allow other people to use the cameras
o access control for owner, group, or all
o optional notifications when someone sits, goes to a cam, switches cam, or gets up.
- Host/Guest option to let the host control the camera view of 1 or more guests
- Tour option to create automated tours by visiting a set of cameras.
o set camera sequence
o send message at each camera
o set time to stay at each camera position
o choose number of transition steps between cam positions
Objects - all objects are copy/modify
- Dvandva CamMan HUD - main HUD to create, manage, and use cameras
- Dvandva Camera Chair - Chair used to share cameras with others.
- Dvandva Tour Chair - Chair to create tours.
- Dvandva Sync Camera Guest Chair - chair for guests controlled by the host chair.
- Dvandva Sync Camera Host Chair - chair for host to controll guests cameras
- Camera - camera object that you can modify
- Dvandva Multi-Cam System Instructions
- tour.cfg - example notecard to set up a tour for the tour chair.
Scripts - these scripts are included so you can customize the camera system.
All scripts are Copy only.
- camera v1.4 - script for camera object
- camMan v1.2 - script for hud or to make your own wearable attachment
- sitCamChair v1.2 - script for shared camer chair
- tourChair v1.2 - script for tour chair
- sitCamGuest v1.2 - script for Sync Camera Guest Chair
- sitCamHost v1.2 - script for Sync Camera Host Chair
- Easy to use HUD system
- Sharable Cameras
- Host/Guest Cameras to allow follow along to cameras
- Touring Camera to visit preselected cameras
- So much more!!!
Awesome tool and fun too!
About the coolest gadget I have found. Great tool to find out just what your customers are interested in at your shop. I have one set up to offer tours of my sim and people seem to prefer to take a tour that way. Has helped my traffic because people sit in the chair, take a tour and then many go to see places they found in the tour. Oh and did I say I LOVE THIS lol!