G General

Dvandva Postal Delivery Server Box Version 1

Dvandva Postal Delivery Server Box

Send Things allows you to send a message, notecards, landmarks, and objects to a list of people. It will wait until each person is online before sending the contents to that person to make sure the contents is delivered.

The Postal Delivery Server may be unable to determine if a person is online depending on how they have their preferences and profile configured. In this case there is an option to "Send Now". This option will immediate send things to the remaining people on the list regardless of their online status.

Note that there is a small chance that a person will log off before the system is able to send them the contents- in this case the contents may be lost if their system is capped within a few seconds (the likely hood of this is very small).

  • Send
  • - A Message
  • - Notecards
  • - Landmarks
  • - Objects