Create a 1 prim touch panel with any number of rows and columns. You can associate
multiple actions with a cell that is executed when it is clicked. Actions include:
- chatting a message
- sending a link message
- giving an inventory item
- setting the color of the prim
- setting the texture of the prim
- playing a sound
You can set the following in the configuration notecard:
- Number of rows
- Number of columns
- Face of the prim to make active
- Initial background texture
- Sound Type (local or fixed)
- Sound Volume
- Distance sound can be heard
- whether to repeat the background texture or not
- whether to display which cell was touched in floating text
- how to send messages and the channel to send them on
- how to send link messages and the link message number
- set access to owner, group or all
- 1 prim touch panel with any number of rows & columns
- You can set each cell to do one or more of the following when touched
- Play sound, set color, or set texture
- Give inventory item
- Send chat or link message