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Dynasty - Nails BENTO LONG STILETTO w/ Jewel 03 - N08(BBL & ER)

Dynasty - Nails BENTO LONG STILETTO w/ Jewel 03 - N08(BBL & ER)

Once your purchase is complete, you will receive full perm nails with basic textures and a notecard with the link to download the files:

Texture Gold
Texture Silver
Texture base Nail
Nail OBJ

Each nail is a different face (0,1,2,3,4)

Jewelry can be worn together or apart from the nails.
Each gem has different faces (see face photo)
The UV Map is colored to show where there is a different face.
Each nail can be textured with a different color or design, but it can be done on the same map, the 5 nails are on the same map, but they are repeated in both hands (for example: I put a drawing on the map where has the index finger. When the texture is applied this design will appear on both hands and on the same selected finger, in the case of the example, it will appear on the index finger of both hands)

The sale of this item with full permissions is prohibited, as is the sale of files or the download link.
It is also prohibited to distribute this item to other avatars.

❤ Products can not be given as freebie.

❤ Can not be given away as full perm. (You can not sell them with copy and transfer permission both clicked at the same time).

❤ Can be used only by one account. (One item can only be licensed to one avatar.)

❤ Minimum selling price for this item is 50L.

❤ Do not buy if the name of whoever is selling you is different from the owners (Shark013 Resident, Stefhany Ruby)