EBDesign Victorian Window 01 Winter Add On meshcontains:
3 mesh models
3 seamless textures
snow texture
icycle texture
frozen flowers on glass
3 sample textures for the windows
0.5 landimpact contains no Window!
Try it out in my shop. Use the teleporter in my shop. Touch and read the Nearby Chat. Use the vendor shown in pics below rezz and take a look.
" House Vendor "
Respect the EBDesign License.
Full Licence here: http://ebdesignbyelicabowenford.wordpress.com/license-1012012/
Full Perm for Builders means not this is an item for Resellers.
You are not allowed to resell my
- textures
- UV-maps & sculpties
- sound files
- animations - also not as a simple poseball!!
You can use them to build something and this build you are allowed to sell.
But only with this permissions:
modify & copy -> but then no trans
mod & transfer - but then no copy
No freebie item - MM Board item yes - Hunt item yes - the owner must be the creator. You can make a few copies of your build for your friends of course.
You are not allowed to load them up to other grids. I have a shop in Second Life, Inworldz and Island Oasis. I can load up in other grids for you if possible, but I don't load up in open grids.
You can load my textures down to your computer and change them, but you cannot resell them as textures then. You can use them in your builds.
please respect this.
Happy Building, Love Elica Bowenford
Second Life の商品を表示- 3 mesh models
- with Licenses
- ready to build in