G General

EF-Lighting: Overhead Lighting #1 Version v1.00

EF-Lighting: Overhead Lighting #1


Land Impact: 6 (If prims it would be 151!)
Dimensions: X=0.4, Y=6.4, Z=1.27

Thank you for your interest in the EF-Lighting: Overhead Lighting #1 by Artful Hammerer.

To operate the light, simply click on it to turn the light on or to switch it off.

The logo in the centre is the Eclectic Fusion Punk Cat, I have set permissions to Mod/Copy, so you can change this if you wish to any "Square" SL compatible resolution. If you chose to scale the lights downwards then the LI will go down, if you scale them up, it will increase.

The lights contain a Configuration file to allow you to change the Point Light settings or to change it's operation to Auto or remote switched, instructions for the settings are in the header of the "Config" Notecard. Remote operation requires one of our switches that must be purchased separately. The light is designed to work with the Advanced Lighting Model as each bulb casts a circular pool of light..

Any problems, or suggestions, please IM Artful Hammerer

See item in Second Life
  • Touch On/Off
  • Configuration Notecard