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-EY6- Armament M9 (Realistic operated(simulation) Version v1.1

-EY6- Armament M9 (Realistic operated(simulation)

-EY6- Armament M9

Please send a feedback! will be greatly apreciated!


very low lag script! the pistol use only 75kb of memory

Realistic gun effects (recoil, Blowback, slider stick back if mag empty)
(if there still a bullet in the chamber(mag reload only) if not, Complete reload will happen)

24 different sound effects (Reload, firing, silencer, bullet impact, silencer, hoslter, etc..) 23 Even excluding HUD sound
3 random firing sound + 2 random silencer firing sound

4 personalized attachment (small magazine 12 bullet) Redot, Flashlight and silencer/supressor)
(large magasine 24 bullet)

usable flashlight (light effects + point light effects(shadow must be anabled in viewer)

10 different animation (Reload,recoil,stand,aim,silencer,attachment..etc)

2 Aim animation and 2 stand animation

11 Bullet types

Muzzle Flash

Smoke effect when fired + smoke effect from the barrel after shot fired

2 diferent HUD, original hud have 5 texture color--) Blue,Green,Turquoise,Purple and Pink !

HUD Ammo display

100% mesh

Roleplay friendly ! (lowlag)

Active update!



-------------------ACTION------------------- -----------------INFORMATION--------------


More Option hud's button

SoundFX-----------On/Off or/and adjust the sound volume effects of the HUD
Help------------------Give you a Help Notecard
Safe------------------Gun safety on/off
Ammo Display----Turn On/Off the ammo display on the hud
Reset----------------reset the gun if bug occure

2 different HUD style are included Original and classic looking HUD



include Hot key gestures

SHIFT+R = Reload
SHIFT+T = Unload empty out the weapon
SHIFT+F = trigger flashlight's light on or off
SHIFT+C = Silencer on
CTRL +C = Silencer off



---NAME------------------- ------------INFORMATION-------------------------

1 Game--------------Used for Roleplay and many type of combat system(Also used for training)

2 HcoreGame-----Used for roleplay,combat system, 6 bullet each shot. Make the Target easier to hit
----------------------------------------------(This is not allowed everywhere use it at your own risk)

3 Tracer---------can be used for roleplay,combat system. that bullet can be seen when shooting (glowing)

4 Damage------Used to kill enemy in damage zone only

5 Cage----------Used to trap enemy

6 fire------------ Used to burn enemy with fire

7 Smoke-------Used to smoke enemy (smoke will follow the target)

8 Sound---------Used on enemy (an annoying and loud sound will follow the target)

9 Push---------- Used to push enemy

10 Orbit----------Used to lift a enemy up in the sky

11 Spam--------Used to spam a enemy with notification(Texture given)

-- STOP --------Click on Stop to stop all attack within the region



If you have any question or problem feel free to IM IIIIAGPIIII Vita at anytime!

****All picture are 100% authentic from secondlife no one of them have been modified at all!****

  • Operates as a real weapon !
  • Very low lag script using only 75 kb of memory!
  • 24 different sound effects! excluding HUD sound!
  • Personalized attachment(red dot,extended mag,silencer,flashlight)
  • 4 different stand/aim animation.( 2 aim, 2 stand )
Average rating: full star full star full star full star half star
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  • 1 star:
Actual Quality!!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 31, 2020 by Pendulous

One of the best available. Amazing sound, anims, and features that go beyond expectations. A lot of work went into this and it shows! Good and fun purchase!

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Great Gun
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 31, 2020 by Love Trueheart

Great gun, sounds great! Super fun and I love it! Must have!

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Good purchase!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 29, 2020 by Kaytie Aie

Animations are good, design is good, and overall features are awesome!

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Great gun
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 23, 2020 by varstapad

Great gun, highly detailed with lot of options, charming collection of animation.

But few notes - it isnt flaws, just things which can be improved:
- both HUD's is a bit blurred and axis of repositioning is behind screen borders, so you can't reposition HUD
- weapon is tilted from axis which makes it harder to reposition in your hand
- holster is only sticked to hip version of gun, so you have to search holster+belt somewhere. Shop isnt sell any of it.
- Aiming stance is available only in first person view, which isnt always comfortable to use in roleplay

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted January 28, 2020 by Ambiguous Voxel

HUD has some awful load up noise in it that blows your ear drums out if you log in with this on or any time you add it.

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Je suis très satisfaite de ce produit
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 25, 2017 by yasminablack

franchement rien à dire , je suis ne suis pas déçu de mon arme, moi qui chercher depuis longtemps ce genre de gadget :) je vous le conseil hud ,pose ♥♥♥

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L$ 599

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Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 22