Easy Prim Remover
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DJ or Host forgot to pickup there TipJar and no one has the rights to return them? Here is the solution!
The Easy Prim Remover covers a area (that you can setup) and uses a scanner to scan for objects in that area.
It can detect up to 16 objects!
Land owner and/or deeded objects are automatically excluded (meaning they can not be removed). In addition to that it has a blacklist where you can exclude prims from certain owners.
A almost unlimited amount of managers can be added to the _Managers notecard located inside the Easy Prim Remover.
The Easy Prim Remover needs to be rezzed by the land owner or in case of group owner land needs to be deeded.
The safest way to let manager return items without any land permissions!
See item in Second Life- TipJar returner
- Managers
- Blacklist
- The safest way to let manager return items
- Can detect up to 16 objects