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Easy Rez v1.1 by Drake [FULL PERM] Scripts and Example Object Version 1.1

Easy Rez v1.1 by Drake [FULL PERM] Scripts and Example Object

Easy Rez v1.1 by Drake [FULL PERM]

➥ Supports up to 30 objects to rez, with automatically-built striding menus
*Rez object Position and Rotation

*This is not a big build or scene rezzer, but there should be no problem rezzing just about anything linked together as long as it has the 'Rez Listener' script inside of it.*

[✦] Whats in the box: [✦]

⦿ A Script called 'Rez Listener' - goes in your objects that you want to rez
⦿ A script called 'Rez Menu' and a note card called '1-RezConfiguration' - goes into the object that will do the rez and hold your objects

⦿ Easy Rez v1.1 example object - this is a working example for you to study as you make your own rez object

⦿ Particle Station Landmark
⦿ Read Me - Easy Rez v1.1 (this note card)

➥ The Easy Rez object is colored Green on top, Blue on the sides, and Red on the bottom - to easily identify its rotation

[✦] Instructions for using the example object: [✦]
⦿ Drop your own 'objects to rez' on the ground and drag the script called 'Rez Listener' into the root contents of each object
⦿ Take your objects back to your inventory
⦿ Drop the Easy Rez v1.1 object on the ground
⦿ Delete the 'test' objects from the root contents of the Easy Rez v1.1 object
⦿ Drag your objects (containing the 'Rez Listener' script) from your inventory into the Easy Rez v1.1 object contents
⦿ Open the note card named '1-RezConfiguration' and follow the instructions to add your own object names, vector rez locations, and vector rez rotations
Once everything is saved, you may rez your objects!

[✦] Instructions for using your own object to rez things from: [✦]
⦿ Drop your own 'objects to rez' on the ground and drag the script called 'Rez Listener' into the root contents of each object
⦿ Take your objects back to your inventory
⦿ Drop your own 'main rez object' (the one the items will rez from) on the ground - if needed
⦿ Drag your objects (containing the 'Rez Listener' script) from your inventory into your own 'main rez object'
⦿ Drag the script called 'Rez Menu' and the note card named '1-RezConfiguration' into the root contents of your own 'main rez object'
⦿ Open the note card named '1-RezConfiguration' and follow the instructions to add your rez object names, vector rez locations, and vector rez rotations
Once everything is saved, you may rez your objects!


➥ NOTE: if you interact with the menu and then move the object shortly after, you must wait for the menu to time out before the object will update its new rez position and load the note card!
- This is because the script shares the same timer with the 'Menu' function and the 'Position' function.
- Otherwise, if you haven't interacted with the menu recently, the script will check the object position every 3 seconds (default) to see if it has been moved - and if so, it will reset and reload the note card.
- You can also click the bottom of the object (or any face you configure) to begin updating the new object position without waiting.


Questions or Comments? Contact ➜ Drake Faudeburgh

Animation Station since 2010
Particle Station since 2011
Gamer Station since 2013

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See item in Second Life
  • Rez up to 30 Objects
  • Easy to set up
  • Note Card Configuration
  • Striding Menus
  • Position Checker