Have a look at the Easy Security 2 in related items if you are looking for something with even more features.
---------- CHANGES IN VERSION 3.0:
- Overall optimization
- Plug-in support (see related Items)
- Added additional buttons
- White and Manager list not longer case sensitive
- New high rez texture on the BobiGuard
- And More.
The Easy Security Extreme is designed for extreme security.
No warnings - Script is especially designed to deal with intruders in under 3 seconds
The Easy Security Extreme uses less script and script memory then most other security systems. Most other security systems produce a lot of lag when you set to scan rate to 1 second. This has to do with fancy extras like visitor logs, warning messages and script codes that are used to do these things.
The Easy Security Extreme doesn't have all these fancy extras because its designed for 1 thing only. YOUR PRIVACY!!
Of course it does have the important features like Managers, Whitelist, etc. And its fully menu controlled.
Permissions are transfer and no-copy.
The reason for this is that it needs to be transfer for you to be able to deed it (in case of group owned land).
Please note that if you rent land from someone they might not appreciate customers that are looking around to be teleported home as soon as they come in range of the Easy Security Extreme. Skyboxes shouldn't be a problem however.
- Plug-in support (see main-store)
- Managers (show, add and remove managers. Gives access to the menu)
- Whitelist (show, add and remove people. People on Whitelist will be ignored by the Easy Security Extreme)
- Eject (Ejects people as soon as they get in range of the Easy Security Extreme)
- Teleport (teleports people to there home location as soon as they get in range of the Easy Security Extreme)
- Eject+Ban (add people to the lands ban list as soon as they get in range of the Easy Security Extreme)
- Scan Only
- Scan range (from 1 to 96 meters or parcel)
- Scan rate (from 1 to 2147483647 seconds)
- On/Off (turn security on or off)
- Low lag even on 96m and a 1s scan rate
- Also works on group owned land
- Free BobiGuard 3000 (contains same script as the Easy Security Extreme.. can be used as a backup in case you lose your Easy Security Extreme)
- Managers
- Whitelist
- Eject, Ban and Teleport
- Low lag even on 96m and a 1s scan rate
- Free BobiGuard 2000
Bob's the greatest
But I needed more instructions:
Rez the box where you want it forever because if you have to deed it, you will not be able to move it again. Also there is a BobiGuard 3000 in the folder but you don't need to use that.
Touch the box to get the menus.
Set the scan range...I chose parcel since I have a skybox but you can choose between 2 to 96m.
How to deal with visitors: Teleport, Eject, Eject & Ban and you can set the time in seconds for scaning. And then turn on the system. Works like a charm!
This is probably one of the best security system in SL. Thanks.
Simple, easy to use and does exactly what it's supposed to do with zero lag. I will use this forever, I can't even imagine ever needing anything else.
Best ejecter ever! zero seconds and tped home! Love it.
Quick contact from the maker too
Love it
Thank You So much. Absolutely Love it, and does what it sais it does:) !!!!