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[Echelon] // Breakable Resource Node System

[Echelon] // Breakable Resource Node System

- E C H E L O N -

Contents of crate:
| Resource Node System / Rocks / Pickaxe

Note from the developer:
| The Breakable Resource Node System comes with a black / brown rock variant (5 LI) and a pickaxe. You can use the pickaxe to break open the rocks to reveal the precious resources within. The script is full perm so you can modify it to actually give you resources if you have an API command or something. The resource face can be changed to anything you want as well including texture, color, glow, whatever. The pickaxe also does LL damage and LBA damage.

Various parameters can be changed in the script to affect things like how many hits it takes to break a rock, how long the rock needs to respawn, and adding API commands.

You can also send anyone that wants a pickaxe to use on your rocks to the Echelon main store where there is a vendor near the hub for free.

Additional note: You can break these rocks with physical collisions as well. The base script also uses a system known as LBA, so it takes both physical and LBA damage.

| Unpack
| Rez rocks
| Attach pickaxe
| Use included gestures to draw / sling the pickaxe
| Use included gesture to swing pickaxe
| Click in mouselook to swing pickaxe
| Swing pickaxe near rocks to hit them until they break
| Send people to Echelon store for a free pickaxe
| Looking good!

| Grave

// End]

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It's Perfect!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 10, 2022 by Error403Forbidden

The pick-axe has awesome animations and their is an amazing sound when you hit the rock and when it breaks! It's bringing back some FAT nostalgia for games that require mining. Omfg I love it! Would be great for RPG sims and what not. So nice!

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