G Général

[Echelon] // Left Right and Dual Scoundrel Pistols

[Echelon] // Left Right and Dual Scoundrel Pistols

- E C H E L O N -

Contents of crate:
| Guns / Pistols / Weapons

Note from the developer:
| The Left, Right, and Dual Scoundrel Plasma Pistols are a set of energy weapons that each have their own set of Full AOs and animations depending on the variant: Left, Right, or Dual Wield. They have many recolorable faces, and you can even mod the bullet to change the color it fires.

| Unpack
| Attach a variant of the pistols
| Recolor as desired
| Use included gesture to draw / sling
| Click in mouselook to fire
| Click gun while drawn to toggle an aim pose
| Looking good!

| Grave

// End]

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