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Eclectica- 40s Nesting Tables

Eclectica- 40s Nesting Tables

Thankyou for your purchase!

This item is copy and mod friendly. It is original mesh, unique to Eclectica, made with love by Tiffy Vella, who adores old vintagey stuff , 3D modeling and texturing.

The nesting tables are designed to help you make a comfortable and authentic vintage home. The colourings are dark and muted. These would suit a living room. Perfect for a later 40's early 50's home.

These come as three separate tables, of course, and were designed to be either stacked together neatly to one side, or pulled apart and spread about a room, according to need. Or arrange them into a bit of a fan if you are feeling fancy. This pack includes each of the individual tables, but you may find rezzing the included soft-linked version more convenient.

Together, they are 4li. The tallest one is .56m high.

Please always edit a copy of your item. Keep a master version in your inventory. I will happily send you a new version if you bork one up, but only if you are very, very nice*. There is also a redelivery terminal in the Eclectica Mainstore foyer.

You are able to resize items to suit your needs using the edit menu, even when an item appears no-mod.

You are also able to use the edit menu to tint surfaces. I create the textures to have a certain degree of realism, and provide authentic hues, but want you to be able to tweak them a wee bit if you need to suit your decor. I recommend that you use "Select Face" in the edit menu to avoid tinting the entire piece. Be creative, and enjoy finding a look that's perfect for you.

There is a shadow on its own face where the tables contact the floor. If you do not like this look, you may edit the transparency, and 100% will get rid of it altogether for you. I know that some people like the realism, and for others who run with shadows enabled they do not always want a static shadow.
Please scroll down to related items for matching furniture.

If you need assistance, please contact me (Tiffy Vella) via IM, as I may be able to help you even when not inworld. I do not mind questions, and would rather the opportunity to help if there is any issue.

All the best, and please enjoy using my designs to make your sl environment a little more immersive and expressive. :)

Ver el artículo en Second Life
  • Original mesh.
  • Copy and modify.
  • Genuine vintage styling.
  • 3 arrangeable pieces.