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Eclectica- Australian Wood Stove-brown

Eclectica- Australian Wood Stove-brown

Thankyou for your interest!

This stove is copy and mod friendly, (excluding scripts). It is original mesh, unique to Eclectica, made with love by Tiffy Vella, who adores old vintagey stuff , 3D modeling and texturing.

Please always edit a copy of your item. Keep a master version in your inventory. I will happily send you a new version if you bork one up, and am always happy to help you with enquiries. There is also a redelivery kiosk in the Eclectica Mainstore foyer.

You are able to resize this stove to suit your needs using the edit menu, even when the item appears no-mod. The stovetop is 1.12m high from the floor, and the top of the plastered chimney is 2.86 from the floor. The entire item is 1.76m wide. If you resize a lot, you may need to reset the door hinge script. It has been left fullperm to give you access, and instructions are written in the script. If you have a particular problem with this, please let me know and I will assist.

Traditionally, this stove would have been installed on a solid wall at the end of the kitchen. A window with sink would have been to one side, a solid wall with a dresser to the other, and a big table with chairs enough for the whole family in the centre. This is a very common stove from older Australian homes and it will be a very familiar style to many. I have used original colours (green and cream was the most typical). My grandma used to bake her family's bread in one of these every week so of course I had to add props for that.

I have kept the fireplace itself quite simpIe, texturewise, to help you fit this into your existing home, or build around it. Included are 3 textures with different plaster and brick hues, plus a UV layout of the main fireplace structure, so that you can export these to your harddrive and edit them to make the chimneypiece fit with your decor.

You are able to use the edit menu to tint surfaces. I create the textures to have a certain degree of realism, but want you to be able to tweak them a wee bit if you need to suit your decor. I recommend that you use "Select Face" in the edit menu to avoid tinting the entire piece.

The stove is animated to allow you to interact with it. These animations can be adjusted to suit your avatar height. Follow directions from the dialog box. They are the standard methods used by the AV sitter system. Tweaking your hover height can also be a quick and simple temporary fix.

If you right click on the stove main body, you can choose "sit here" and be animated. There are 8 options.
You may warm your hands. watch what's happening inside the oven, open the oven door to check progress, use 2 different poses to cook sausages and eggs, stir soup, clean the stove top, and lean and chat. Accessories will spawn as needed. You may have to give the stove permission to attach objects to your hands the first time you use it, so watch for any pop-ups on your screen (or hiding in your notifications) asking permission.

You may also touch the stove top while it is closed, either while cooking or just standing nearby, to bake muffins, roast chicken, bake bread, simmer a pot of soup, or to pop the kettle on. These items can remain while you are not at the stove. So it is indeed possible to leave home and forget that you have left the stove on.

You can also use this control to light the stove with a steady coal fire. This may be handy if you have any dishes of your own that you would like to leave cooking on the stove. It provides a little light. You can also spawn some extra firewood. Or just use your imagination. It does have a "FIIIIRE!!" option which is just about entirely unrealistic, although if wind blew down the flue smoke could be sent into the kitchen making the cook sputter.

Some accessories will emit gentle light and particles.

Land impact = 6 @ 2.86m tall.
Rezzed items are 1 LI each.

The stove has three colour variations. Please scroll down to "Related Items" to see them all.

You may see and test this item at the Eclectica Mainstore, Sinaburoe. If you need assistance, please contact me (Tiffy Vella) via IM, as I may be able to help you even when not inworld.

See item in Second Life
  • Original, copy and mod mesh.
  • Bento animations with auto-rezzing accessories.
  • Working oven and coal fire.
  • May catch fire.
  • LI = 6.